What to wear for a Corporate Headshot session?

This is a common question among people who want to have a ‘corporate’ headshot. An image that represents you as a successful professional, as a reliable and competent person in your field. Many professionals wear suits and ties in their daily lives, while many others do not have this requirement. Some people wear uniforms in […]
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Do Your Headshots Look Like You?

The Importance of an Updated and Professional Profile Photo In our increasingly digital world, our online presence has become an integral part of our personal and professional lives. Whether you’re networking on LinkedIn, connecting with friends on social media, or even applying for a job, your online profile photo often serves as the first impression […]
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Club Moddos Corporate Headshots

Last January, the Club Moddos Empresarial appointed a new board of directors composed of various entrepreneurs from the Valencian Community. The board is made up of entrepreneurs Iván Martínez-Colomer García and Ana García-Rivera (Modo Hi People), Joan Lluís Nadal Espert (NIL Comunicación), María Dolores Enguix Manclús (Óptica Climent), Javier Monedero Sena (Dicoval), Amelia Delhom Burguet […]
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